Relapse Prevention Plans Copy

A relapse prevention plan should be developed for all clients. Working with the client and family, the clinician should outline the steps to be taken if early warning signs are detected. These steps might include contacting appropriate service providers, initiating stress management techniques and/or utilizing pre-arranged medication strategies.

A hard copy of this relapse prevention plan should be provided to both the individual and their family and it should include contact information for the key service providers as well as emergency services. Other care providers or involved professionals (e.g., family physician, school counselor, etc.) may benefit from being educating on the signs of relapse and having a copy of the relapse prevention plan.

A copy of this plan should also remain on the chart. This plan should be reviewed at least every 3 months but more frequently if there are changes to medications, stress levels, mental status or to the treatment team.

Approximately half of all relapses can be predicted through the detection of early warning signs. Monitoring for early warning signs, and when detected using stress management and medication strategies, does reduce relapses.

If relapse does occur, this should prompt re-evaluation of the person’s knowledge of the illness and refinement of preventive strategies (stress management,help-seeking strategies, medication adherence, etc.).

Video: David – A Case Study – Relapse Prevention Planning

Before viewing the video, please print out and read the continuation of this case by clicking here.

The following video is approximately 12 minutes long. You will likely find it helpful to take notes during the video.

There are a number of documents in the care pathway that are related to relapse prevention – handouts, worksheets, session overview as well as progress form to guide and document care provided during a relapse.

Relapse prevention plans will usually include information about alternate contacts and other community resources that may be helpful (e.g., after-hours, crisis services, etc). Within your community, what would be the other community resources and contact information that you might want to include on a relapse prevention plan to give to clients and families?

Click HERE for a transcript of Dr. Tee discussing Relapse Prevention Planning with David

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