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In the field of clinical intervention with first episode psychosis clients, group formats continue to be under-researched. The following module offers clinical guidance on the use of group as a treatment modality that supports a developmental paradigm and a variety of theoretical orientations. Group can provide not only the therapeutic interventions necessary for recovery but can also be a key tool in fostering reintegration. Reintegration consists of a return to social, academic and occupational roles at the appropriate level. This can be a challenging process and when not carefully considered, the return to these roles too quickly or at too high of a level can lead to failure – further damaging often an already fragile self esteem. It is important that reintegration efforts are based on an assessment of developmental needs, strengths and abilities, and client preference.


Module VIII
Additional ReadingsPages 73-77 (skills development and reintregration) inĀ Chapter 7
Activity OneGroup skills
Activity TwoWeb search
Activity ThreeCommunity inventory
Activity FourThought Questions
Completion of ModuleComplete Module VIII Assignment – Forum Discussion


  1. Understand the utility of group intervention as a therapeutic option
  2. Assess for group participation and identify stages of group development and its application to developmental stages of adolescence
  3. Adapting existing group models so they are appropriate for clients and families
  4. Identify appropriate outcomes and time-frames for reintegration
  5. Utilize appropriate community resources to foster reintegration
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