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Care plans should be adjusted as psychotic symptoms begin to resolve and the client’s ability to function improves. A range of strategies will be needed to help clients with their return to activities to such as school, work, socializing, etc. Both client and family expectations must be addressed with accurate information and tools for coping. Stress management and relapse prevention are both very important in facilitating recovery and need to be tailored to each individual client and family member. Similarly, strategies for problem solving and achievable goal setting are invaluable therapeutic techniques.


Module V 
Additional ReadingsPages 66-70 (stress management and relapse prevention inĀ Chapter 7)
Activity oneStress management
Activity twoGoal Setting
Activity threeRelapse prevention
Activity fourThought questions
Completion of ModuleComplete and Upload Module V written assignment


  1. Develop an individualized relapse prevention plan
  2. Be comfortable using problem solving and goal setting as therapeutic techniques
  3. Be comfortable using a variety of stress management techniques
  4. Provide realistic strategies for families to help them handle stress and cope
  5. Understand the concept prolonged recovery and be familiar with methods to improve treat it

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