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Education is an essential element of care for all clients with early psychosis. Family members and other supportive individual should be actively engaged and involved in this education process. Our coverage of education here in this module is much broader than the simple didactic delivery of information. Included in education are various psychosocial interventions such as stress management and relapse prevention (covered in greater detail in the next module). Additionally, the information covered in education (for example, definition of psychosis and its causes) must be discussed with the client and family in a manner that fits with their explanatory model and the stage of recovery. Hence, the term psychoeducation may be preferred over education to better describe the importance of including psychosocial topics and incorporating psychological meaning in delivery of information. When this type of psychoeducation is intensive and ongoing to both client and family, we see a significant improvements in outcomes for the client and well-being for both client and family.


Module IV
Additional ReadingsPages 61-66 (on psychoeducation) inĀ Chapter 7
WebinarView “Working With Families” webinar (link on Psychoeducation Page)
Activity oneEducation materials
Activity twoExplanatory model
Activity threeThought Questions
Completion of moduleComplete Module IV assignment – Forum Discussion


  1. Provide individualized psychoeducation that is intensive and prolonged to both clients and families
  2. Have the necessary knowledge to discuss all the topics covered in the educational package
  3. Provide psychoeducation working within the client’s and family’s explanatory model
  4. Foster meaning, mastery and self-esteem and normalize the experience and provide hope
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