Assignment X – Written Assignment Copy


Give a Presentation on Early Psychosis

For this part of the assignment, you need to deliver a presentation on early psychosis. This presentation could be to a group of stakeholders that you have identified as needing awareness about early psychosis (e.g., school counsellors) or it could be to some of your colleagues. You could even just simply deliver the presentation to a close friend or a family member. For the purpose of this assignment, neither the type of audience nor the number attending matter.

Note: you don’t need to actually give the presentation before the assignment due date. You just need to start putting plans in place to do so (e.g., determine who your audience will be, schedule a possible date, etc.)

Giving a presentation on a topic is a great way to reinforce your learning! And presenting on this topic for the first time is good practice in case you decide to do more such education in future.

We have provided you with a powerpoint presentation as well as a simple evaluation tool. Feel free to modify either of these to your liking. The evaluation tool is solely for your benefit – you do not need to submit this as part of the assignment.

Note: you do not need to follow the power point presentation (you can modify to match the needs of your audience or develop your own or not even use a power point presentation …. you may opt to give a much more informal presentation as well). The idea behind this assignment is for you to convey information about early psychosis to a person (or a group of people) who may know little about psychosis. So feel free to do so in the way that you think best works for you and your audience.

Power Point Presentation
Download here

Evaluation Tool for Presentation.
Download here.

In a Word document, please submit a brief description of your presentation (i.e., who you gave it to or have scheduled to give it to and when). One to two paragraphs is all that is required.

Please Note: After your assignment has been submitted your instructor will advise if you have met all course requirements. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions regarding the assignment or the requirements for course completion.