Assignment VI – Online Discussion Copy

Instructions: This assignment involves the participation in an online discussion which is scheduled to occur within a specific date range. Please refer to your course schedule for these dates. During these dates, you are to discuss the following topic via the online discussion board or group blog. Throughout this course, there will be a total of six such discussions. Participation in four of the six discussions is required to complete the course.

Topic: Motivational Interviewing and Harm Reduction approaches: Imagine you are working with a young person who shows no interest in reducing his or her use of substances. Chances are that, as a clinician, you have often found yourself faced with this situation. What are some motivational itnerviewing strategies or harm reduction strategies you might try? In your own practice, what have you found to be most successful in engaging a client in change? If you have a current client where you are faced with such challenges, please feel free to engage the group in some brainstorming (but leave out any potentially identifying information please).

Please keep your postings relatively brief and feel free to make multiple postings on this topic. The idea here is to try to generate discussion on early psychosis and substance use. Any such posting on this topic will be granted a point for participation.

You will be able to mark this section complete after you have participated in the associated forum discussion.

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