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Module 2 – Care for Early Psychosis Fall 2024
Topic of Discussion: Family Involvement, Discuss with your colleagues the potential benefits of involving families as partners in care. What challenges have you experienced when involving families? What are some of the ways these challenges may be overcome? If you are currently encountering difficulties with engaging a family in care, feel free to brainstorm with the group about this (just remember to omit all potentially identifying information). Please keep your postings relatively brief and feel free to make multiple postings on this topic. The idea here is to generate discussion on any aspect of family involvement. If someone has already started a topic similar to yours, go ahead and reply to their post, as this facilitates more of a dialogue.
- 4
- 2 months, 1 week ago
Module 2 – Care for Early Psychosis Spring 2024
Topic of Discussion: Family Involvement, Discuss with your colleagues the potential benefits of involving families as partners in care. What challenges have you experienced when involving families? What are some of the ways these challenges may be overcome? If you are currently encountering difficulties with engaging a family in care, feel free to brainstorm with the group about this (just remember to omit all potentially identifying information). Please keep your postings relatively brief and feel free to make multiple postings on this topic. The idea here is to generate discussion on any aspect of family involvement. If someone has already started a topic similar to yours, go ahead and reply to their post, as this facilitates more of a dialogue. Once you have posted your contribution(s), remember to return to the module final section and mark "completed".
- 11
- 7 months, 3 weeks ago
Module 3 – Assessment of Early Psychosis Fall 2024
Topic: 2-Com, CAARMS and other Assessment Tools : Review the 2-Com and if possible, try using the 2-Com with a current client. This need not be a client with early psychosis (although this would be preferable). Share your thoughts or experience with these tools. Are you familiar with other client-centered assessment tools? Even after the COVID-19 Pandemic ended, EPI teams find themselves sometimes providing remote (telehealth) care. There are many dilemmas when we are providing care for a vulnerable population and may be relying on some aspects of assessment from a distance, while other times we will opt to see clients in person. Feel free to share any helpful guidelines for decision-making around assessment when delivering care virtually. If you have any other thoughts regarding assessment strategies or other tools that you would like to share, please feel free to post about them. This article explores some of guidance for adapting EPI Care since the pandemic. To foster dialogue, please reply to existing topics/threads unless you are introducing a distinct topic. In that case, please start a new topic where others can respond.
- 2
- 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Module 3 – Assessment of Early Psychosis Spring 2024
Topic: 2-Com, CAARMS and other Assessment Tools : Review the 2-Com and if possible, try using the 2-Com with a current client. This need not be a client with early psychosis (although this would be preferable). Share your thoughts or experience with these tools. Are you familiar with other client-centered assessment tools? Even after the COVID-19 Pandemic ended, EPI teams find themselves sometimes providing remote (telehealth) care. There are many dilemmas when we are providing care for a vulnerable population and may be relying on some aspects of assessment from a distance, while other times we will opt to see clients in person. Feel free to share any helpful guidelines for decision-making around assessment since the pandemic. This article, written by Canadian colleagues, explores adaptations to EPI care since the pandemic. If you have any other thoughts regarding assessment strategies or other tools that you would like to share, please feel free to post about them. To foster dialogue, please reply to existing topics/threads unless you are introducing a distinct topic. In that case, please start a new topic where others can respond.
- 3
- 7 months, 1 week ago
Module 4 – Client and Family Education Fall 2024
Topic: Client and Family Psychoeducation Review the "Exploratory Questions about Family Impact" and "Exploratory Questions about Psychosis" Feel free to share your thoughts or experience of using these questions. How could you use these question in developing any psychoeducation you provide? In addition to these questions for families, are there certain exploratory questions or other information you find helpful in guiding psychoeducation with clients? If you are looking to run client or family groups and would like to discuss tips or share what worked (or what didn't), you may also invite others to discuss groups here.
- 5
- 1 month ago
Module 4 – Client and Family Education Spring 2024
Topic: Client and Family Psychoeducation Review the "Exploratory Questions about Family Impact" and "Exploratory Questions about Psychosis" Feel free to share your thoughts or experience of using these questions. How could you use these questions in developing any psychoeducation you provide? In addition to these questions for families, are there certain exploratory questions or other information you find helpful in guiding psychoeducation with clients?
- 7
- 6 months ago
Module 6 – Comorbidity & Relapse Fall 2024
Topic - Motivational Interviewing and Harm Reduction approaches : Imagine you are working with a young person recovering from first episode psychosis, who shows no interest in reducing his or her use of substances. Chances are, as a clinician, you have often found yourself faced with this situation. What are some motivational interviewing strategies or harm reduction strategies you might try? In your own practice, what have you found to be most successful in engaging a client in change? If you have a current client where you are faced with such challenges, please feel free to engage the group in some brainstorming (but leave out any potentially identifying information please). After posting, remember to mark this section "completed" in the final section of the module.
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- 23 hours, 27 minutes ago
Module 6 – Comorbidity & Relapse Spring 2024
Topic - Motivational Interviewing and Harm Reduction approaches : Imagine you are working with a young person recovering from first episode psychosis, who shows no interest in reducing his or her use of substances. Chances are, as a clinician, you have often found yourself faced with this situation. What are some motivational interviewing strategies or harm reduction strategies you might try? In your own practice, what have you found to be most successful in engaging a client in change? If you have a current client where you are faced with such challenges, please feel free to engage the group in some brainstorming (but leave out any potentially identifying information please).
- 5
- 5 months ago
Module 7 – Overview of Pharmacotherapy Fall 2024
Topic: Antipsychotic Medication: Antipsychotic medication is an essential part of the treatment of early psychosis. While the responsibility for prescribing the medication falls to the psychiatrist or general practitioner, clinicians have an important role with respect to exploring issues around medication adherence and side effects. Describe a situation where you were faced with challenges about a client's medication (e.g., stopped taking their medication against adivce, gained significant weight as a side effect, etc.). What were the things you were able to do to help? How do you/would you approach discussing sexual side effects of medications with your clients? Alternatively, feel free to brainstorm with the group on any medication-related issue you are encountering on your current caseload (with anonymity).
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- 1 day, 15 hours ago
Module 7 – Overview of Pharmacotherapy Spring 2024
Topic: Antipsychotic Medication: Antipsychotic medication is an essential part of the treatment of early psychosis. While the responsibility for prescribing the medication falls to the psychiatrist or general practitioner, clinicians have an important role with respect to exploring issues around medication adherence and side effects. Describe a situation where you were faced with challenges about a client's medication (e.g., stopped taking their medication against adivce, gained significant weight as a side effect, etc.). What were the things you were able to do to help? How do you/would you approach discussing sexual side effects of medications with your clients? Alternatively, feel free to brainstorm with the group on any medication-related issue you are encountering on your current caseload (with anonymity).
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- 5 months ago
Module 8 – Groups & Reintegration Fall 2024
Topic - Reintegration: Many individuals with early psychosis have withdrawn from work or school and it can be difficult for them to re-engage with these aspects of their life. When an individual is ready to return to work or school, we would like to see this be a successful and rewarding endeavour. If a person takes on too much too soon, then they may be disappointed in the result and this may negatively impact them. What are some strategies and/or supports that may be helpful in helping a person with early psychosis return to work, school or other meaningful activity? Post your ideas or any real-life examples. You are also welcome to post any thoughts or experiences about planning or running in-person or virtual groups for EPI.
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- 1 day, 1 hour ago
Module 8 – Groups & Reintegration Spring 2024
Topic - Reintegration: Many individuals with early psychosis have withdrawn from work or school and it can be difficult for them to re-engage with these aspects of their life. When an individual is ready to return to work or school, we would like to see this be a successful and rewarding endeavour. If a person takes on too much too soon, then they may be disappointed in the result and this may negatively impact them. What are some strategies and/or supports that may be helpful in helping a person with early psychosis return to work, school or other meaningful activity? Post your ideas or any real-life examples. You are also welcome to post any thoughts or experiences about planning or running in-person or virtual groups for EPI.
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- 5 months ago
Module 9: Continuing Education Plan – Fall Group forum
Participation in this forum is optional. You are welcome to do your own continuing education plan without posting in this forum. The purpose of this forum is to provide a place to meet others in the training group who share your interest in a topic for continuing education. Select from one of the discussion topics already started below, or add a new discussion topic. Once you have established a group, exchange contact information and arrange a time to discuss your continuing education plan together. You are welcome to continue the discussion here in the forum, or you may prefer to meet by email or on Zoom/ Teams. All group participants are expected to share resources and ideas with the group to meet your learning goals. Designate one person to document your group's learning plan. Generate a collaborative continuing education learning plan. All members of the group need to upload the plan (the course tracks each person's assignments individually, though it helps me with marking if each person adds the names of group members to the top of their assignment). There may be individual activities that not all members of the group will participate in (such as shadowing a local team member). Where feasible, consider inviting local resource people/team members to join a Zoom or Teams discussion with your group to share some of their experience. Your group may continue to touch base over the year as you complete the learning plan, or you may each complete this plan independently - there is flexibility here. If your group are able to identify a speaker/resource person who might be able to share useful information on your topic with the larger BC EPI Community of Practice, please provide information about the topic and possible speakers in your plan. Your instructor will pass this along to the BC EPI CoP education group.
- 9
- 2 years ago
Module 9: Continuing Education Plan – Group forum, Spring Cohort
Participation in this forum is optional. You are welcome to do your own continuing education plan without posting in this forum. The purpose of this forum is to provide a place to meet others in the training group who share your interest in a topic for continuing education. Select from one of the discussion topics already started below, or add a new discussion topic. Once you have established a group, exchange contact information and arrange a time to discuss your continuing education plan together. You are welcome to continue the discussion here in the forum, or you may prefer to meet by email or on Zoom/ Teams. All group participants are expected to share resources and ideas with the group to meet your learning goals. Designate one person to document your group's learning plan. Generate a collaborative continuing education learning plan. All members of the group will upload the same plan. There may be individual activities that not all members of the group will participate in (such as shadowing a local team member). Where feasible, consider inviting local resource people/team members to join a Zoom or Teams discussion with your group to share some of their experience. Your group may continue to touch base over the year as you complete the learning plan, or you may each complete this plan independently - there is flexibility here. If your group are able to identify a speaker/resource person who might be able to share useful information on your topic with the larger BC EPI Community of Practice, please provide information about the topic and possible speakers in your plan. Your instructor will pass this along to the BC EPI CoP education group.
- 11
- 6 months ago
Module 2 – Care for Early Psychosis Fall 2024