Early Psychosis Intervention
Welcome to the Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) Online training program and community of practice. Here, British Columbian (BC) Mental Health Clinicians and Physicians can enhance their knowledge and skills for delivering evidence-based early intervention in psychosis throughout BC.
Training for Mental Health Clinicians
EPI’s training course is appropriate for BC-based clinicians or physicians who provide direct mental health care (assessment, treatment, case management) to adolescents or young adults.
Training graduates will be able to:
- Understand and apply the principles guiding early intervention efforts.
- Partner with early psychosis clients and families throughout the process of care.
- Demonstrate proficiency in performing ongoing comprehensive assessments for early psychosis.
- Provide education and psychosocial/pharmacological interventions that are consistent with best practices for early psychosis.
Training includes web-based curriculum, completion of assigned readings, several submitted written assignments, online discussions, and participation in a series of educational presentations delivered via telementalhealth technology (e.g., web-based broadcasts, videoconference).
Click here for more information on eligibility and registration.
Community of Practice
Engage with clinicians to share/access resources and tools, discuss ideas and experiences, and help grow the EPI field of practice by joining the EPI Community of Practice (CoP). Upon completion of the EPI Training Program, clinicians will automatically join the EPI CoP. Service providers who have expertise in EPI may also be invited to join without first going through the EPI Training Program.
Community of Practice for Managers, Leaders and members of the EPI Advanced Practice Advisory Committee
The BC EPI Training Program and Community of Practice is funded by Fraser Health, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Children and Family Development, and the Vancouver Island, Interior, Northern, Vancouver Coastal, and Provincial Health Services Authorities of British Columbia, Canada. The development and coordination of the BC EPI Training Program and Community of Practice is done through the Fraser EPI Program.